To Write or Not to Write?

If you’re friends with me on Facebook, you might know that I said I’m giving up writing for now. Well, turns out that drives me crazy! It’s slow going, but I’m back to work on Time Turners, the sequel to Ouroboros. I wish I was getting more done, but between my kids and recovering from surgery, I’m exhausted!

I’m doing Camp NaNoWriMo to work on Time Turners, with a goal of 10k words. I’m behind, but at least I’m writing! If I reach my goal, it will be approximately halfway done! Here are my current stats for anyone interested:

I can still finish, if I can buckle down a little better. Here’s hoping! And maybe now, I’ll actually have something to update you guys about. Wish me luck!

Cover Reveal! New Cover for Ouroboros!

Hi all! I know I haven’t posted in a while. But, I have exciting news! My cover for Ouroboros, book one of The Seven Relics Saga, has been revamped! Huge, sparkly thanks to the amazing Devyn Dawson for designing the cover! If you’ve never heard of Devyn, you need to check out her books. She’s the extremely talented author of The Light Tamer series (which I LOVE!), The Legacy of Kilkenny, and the newly-released Killing Me Softly.

In celebration of my new cover, Ouroboros will be on sale on all outlets for only 99¢! This sale will go through the end of the month. So, if you’ve been holding off on picking up your copy, now’s your chance!

Now, the cover:


Pretty, isn’t it?

Fair Fun!

My mother-in-law and I took my two boys to the County Fair for the first time on Wednesday. I hadn’t been to a fair since I was eight, so I was super excited! Now, my kids are one and a half and five months, so rides were pretty much out of the question. We stayed in the animal area the whole time. I don’t like to post my kids’ names online, so I’ll call my toddler Dino for the purpose of this blog, because he stomps around like a dinosaur. Anyway, I took Dino into the petting zoo. Go figure, he was afraid of the animals! He wanted me to hold him, and he freaked out every time I tried to get him to pet an animal. Ever heard of the website “Reasons Why My Son is Crying”? I was seriously tempted to submit a picture of him to that website. “My son was crying because he pet the animals in the petting zoo.” Yet, he was fine with the animals that were in cages. Sigh. My five-month-old, L.B. (a.k.a. Little Babe), was unaffected by Dino’s antics and was so happy to be out of the house that he slept the majority of the time.

In writing-related news, my latest release Ouroboros is finally up on Barnes & Noble. The paperback is available there as well. I’m working on the sequel, called Time Turners. My business cards, designed by the awesome Joe Eastwood of Joseph Design and Photography (he also designed my book cover and formatted both my ebook and paperback), arrived in the mail today. The picture isn’t the best, but aren’t they pretty?


And now I leave you with this picture of a rabbit for no reason:


Much-Overdue Announcement!

I absolutely fail at blogging. I know I’ve said that before. I’m going to try to change that. So, I have a new book out. It’s available on Amazon, Kobo, and Smashwords. I’m still waiting on Barnes & Noble. Paperbacks will also be coming soon! Here’s my cover, done by Joseph Eastwood, of Joseph Design and Photography:

Ouroboros Ebook Cover

And here’s the blurb:
Waking up from a coma is hard enough, but throw in an undead ghost at the foot of your hospital bed, and you’ve got a big problem.

While recovering from a rock-climbing accident, eighteen-year-old Rhiannon Sorenson meets Zachary Cohen, a Zayin—one of an elite fighting force for the supernatural realm—and wonders why she’s the only one who can see him. Not only that, he tells her he needs her help to find his physical body, which has mysteriously gone missing. As Rhi reluctantly agrees to come to Zac’s aid, they both uncover a trail of deadly revelations about a powerful and evil being: The Necrovorst.

In this first installment of a trilogy filled with vibrant and imaginative mythology from around the world, follow Zac and Rhi while they face powerful, supernatural beings, and learn all that they can in order to stop The Necrovorst.

Hopefully, it will be available on B&N soon. If you’ve followed my blog for quite some time, you may have seen me write about it before. I’ve re-written the blurb, and changed the series title (it used to be “The Zayin Chronicles”).

I’m currently working on book two in the series, titled “Time Turners”. In other news, I now have two boys! That’s why I never post any more. But, I will seriously try to be better about that, I promise. 😀