
I’ve been failing at blogging lately. Sorry about that, everyone. It’s been a crazy couple of months, so here’s a few updates:

Overshadow, book two of The Shadow Imperium series, is almost ready to be released! I just sent the proofs back to my editor today. I should have a release date and a cover to share very soon!

I have several other works in progress (WIPs). One of these is the third and last book of The Shadow Imperium series, called Queen of Shadows. I also have a time-travel/steampunk novel that I’m working on. I’m really excited about this one. I’m planning on participating in both sessions of Camp NaNoWriMo in hopes of getting a lot of writing done. If you’re curious about Camp NaNo, you can find it here: http://campnanowrimo.org/

One more update. This has nothing to do with my writing, but I wanted to share it anyway. My husband and I are expecting our first baby in November! So, that’s why I haven’t been around much lately. I’ve been completely exhausted! I’m finally starting to get some energy back, so hopefully you’ll be hearing more from me soon.