Want to e-mail me?

Some announcements!

Now you can e-mail me directly from this page!  Just click on the envelope icon on the top left of the page. You can also go direct to my Facebook and Twitter pages from the icons on the top left.  Want to see what I’m reading/have read?  Click on the “g” icon for my Goodreads profile!

If you don’t have a Google account, but want to follow this blog, scroll down to the “Networked Blogs” box on the right-hand side and click “follow this blog”.  If you do have a Google account, just click on “Follow this blog with Google Friend Connect” under the YALitChat.org box (above all the little pictures).

Lastly, if you want to read my Tweets, but don’t have Twitter, you can now find them in two places:  on this blog, on the right-hand side, or on my Facebook page.  To find them on my Facebook page, click the Twitter tab underneath my picture.