To Write or Not to Write?

If you’re friends with me on Facebook, you might know that I said I’m giving up writing for now. Well, turns out that drives me crazy! It’s slow going, but I’m back to work on Time Turners, the sequel to Ouroboros. I wish I was getting more done, but between my kids and recovering from surgery, I’m exhausted!

I’m doing Camp NaNoWriMo to work on Time Turners, with a goal of 10k words. I’m behind, but at least I’m writing! If I reach my goal, it will be approximately halfway done! Here are my current stats for anyone interested:

I can still finish, if I can buckle down a little better. Here’s hoping! And maybe now, I’ll actually have something to update you guys about. Wish me luck!


I’ve been failing at blogging lately. Sorry about that, everyone. It’s been a crazy couple of months, so here’s a few updates:

Overshadow, book two of The Shadow Imperium series, is almost ready to be released! I just sent the proofs back to my editor today. I should have a release date and a cover to share very soon!

I have several other works in progress (WIPs). One of these is the third and last book of The Shadow Imperium series, called Queen of Shadows. I also have a time-travel/steampunk novel that I’m working on. I’m really excited about this one. I’m planning on participating in both sessions of Camp NaNoWriMo in hopes of getting a lot of writing done. If you’re curious about Camp NaNo, you can find it here:

One more update. This has nothing to do with my writing, but I wanted to share it anyway. My husband and I are expecting our first baby in November! So, that’s why I haven’t been around much lately. I’ve been completely exhausted! I’m finally starting to get some energy back, so hopefully you’ll be hearing more from me soon.


Well, I decided to sign up for NaNoWriMo last minute.  I’m going to be putting the third draft of Foreshadow on hold for the month (it’s approximately 1/4 of the way done) and getting to work on the first book of The Erendirian.  The Erendirian is an epic fantasy series that I’ve been researching and outlining for nearly a year now.  I’m really excited to finally get to work on it.  I feel like it’s time.